PF light up burners

A complete range of non-retracting burner systems is available from Credfeld.

The burners are positioned either within the confines of the coal burner with combustion air provided by that existing within the coal burner or by separate fans fitted to each oil burner. The Hydrapower burner operates with mechanical pressure for atomization & utilizes the full hydraulic pressure available to close the tip seal mechanism. The oil continues to flow at all times when the burner is not in service thus keeping the tip cool.





The Steam or Air Atomized burner utilizes medium pressure steam or compressed air as the atomizing and cooling medium with the added advantage of low pressure oil and wide turndown available for fuel saving. This type of burner can be readily used for full load firing where required by using the air available from the coal burner register. Additionally, the burners can be fitted with atomizer tips of the low NOx design to minimize emissions.
